Presenting Yourself As A Woman - Deportment and Etiquette

When presenting yourself as a woman, every detail matters. The way you act is just as important as the way you look. Deportment and etiquette are especially important. Does etiquette sound like an old-fashioned concept from the 1950s? It’s not. Knowing the proper etiquette makes you look classy and feminine which is so important during your transition and goes a long way towards a positive first impression. (Besides, you never know when you might be invited to a garden party with the Queen at Buckingham Palace!)

These are the general rules when meeting somebody for the first time:
- Shake the hand of the person you are being introduced to.
- If you are sitting down, stand up to shake their hand.
- Look them in the eyes and smile.
- Bonus points if you say the other person’s name you meet them.
Kissing, air kissing, and hugs depend on cultural norms and how well you know somebody. When in doubt, let the other person lead. If it’s a good friend then of course you are free to hug or kiss away!

Sitting Down
Always sit down and cross your legs at the ankle, not only does it make your legs appear slimmer it is also more ladylike.
Punctuality: Take pride in being timely. Just because other people are late on occasion doesn’t mean you should be
Dressing – do not overdress especially if going out in the daytime, so a simple skirt or trousers with a top and low heeled shoes. Choose styles that are currently popular but don’t be a fashion victim.

Make-up – women do not wear heavy makeup in the daytime so a sheer beard cover, light powder, toned-down lipstick, light dusting of blusher, eyeliner, brown spectrum eyeshadow and mascara is as much as you need. Training DVD available
Hairstyle – Natural hair colour as near as you own maximum shoulder-length
Stockings or tights. Opaque will cover any hair on legs and are fashionable and flattering.
Jewellery simple but classic
Speech – do not try & speak in a falsetto voice, breath from your stomach and aim for a breathy sound Speech Therapy of Feminising your voice CD course available
Deportment – Women walk, stand & sit differently to men so take time to observe. Deportment Training DVD available
Confidence – Looking nervous identifies you immediately as a crossdresser or a terrorist, neither of which is good. Walk tall and be the gorgeous, feminine female you have always wanted to be.
We do have a Make Up and Deportment Training DVD available which is a great help in all these matters