What can it possibly feel like to be transgender?


It's difficult to imagine what it must feel like to be transgender if you are not. And if you are not transgender then your mind and your body match. One way to try to understand what it's like to be transgendered would be as this example...


Let us for instance imagine that you are a genetically born woman who is attractive and feminine. Now imagine that you wake up one day and find that you are suddenly a man. You can no longer wear your earrings or jewelry, your hair will be cut and you can wear no makeup or any of the colourful and expressive feminine clothes you wore.  You find that you now have muscles and are covered with hair on your body. You will be treated as a man by your fellow women and must now try to act as a man in order to integrate with them.


You are now required to do this for the rest of your life.


Every time you get dressed, every time you gaze into the mirror, every time you come in contact with another person; who you know yourself to be and who you appear to be are in complete contrast. Stress will build as you are forced to be who you are not. Welcome to being transgender.


Yes, we are born with a sense of self identity and yes, we are born with sexual characteristic of either a male or a female. But the sense of identity does not always match the equipment we are given. Most who are transgender know they are different from the earliest of ages, some as far back as age 4 or earlier if they can remember so far back.


For most, the issue occurs as a result of hormonal imbalances in the developing fetus and results in a brain which develops outside of the norm of the physical sex. the incongruity never goes away and it can never be "cured" to match the way the brain perceives one's to the body it has been dealt.


It is very very fundamentally important to state that gender and sexual preference are two separate things entirely. The first thoughts by many may be that one who presents as a woman must be interested in sex with men. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Sexual identification is who we wish to be intimate with while gender identification is who we see ourselves as within the inner reflection of the mirror of our mind.


To learn a little more about some of the other scientific research going on surrounding this condition, please see:


I probably didn't mention the stress which is involved with having to hide a whole piece of oneself from the world. Each day becomes a struggle as one plays the facade of who we physically are born as and hides who we are inside from the rest of the world to avoid potential ridicule. It eats at a person by day and in dreams at night. It never goes away and unless steps are taken to materialize who we are inside, it can cause a complete nervous breakdown - I should know - I hit that wall - 40 years of holding it inside....


This is what it is like to be transgender.


Now the question I propose is this.... Just as thought, if you woke up and suddenly found yourself one morning in the body of the opposite sex and would have to live and socialize in that body as that gender,  what would you do?  For a person born transgender, they generally have felt like this from a very early age.  It is something they deal with often for the rest of their life....  

How often have you seen newspaper reports which place drug addicts, prostitutes and transvestites together in a group as though they were all common criminals? How many TVs do you think cross dress secretly in constant fear of discovery, as though they were committing some sort of sin?


Those of us who have this compulsion to put on make-up, frilly undies, and dresses know that it is not a criminal act, a sin, the result of thinking bad thoughts, reading pornography or sheer perversity. It is something in our brains and, for most of us, has been there for almost as long as we can remember.


To us transvestites it is as natural as being left or right handed and is the result of something that happened before it was even possible for us to be aware of our sexuality.


Of course you may think that I, like many transvestites, would claim that it was not our fault simply to assuage my guilt. But the view of transvestism and transsexualism I wish to put forward is based on considerable research done by many doctors.




I think that it is now common knowledge that all of us start by being female. Our mothers can only produce female eggs and it is the father's sperm that decides whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.


If the baby is to be a boy then at six weeks a massive dose of male hormones will be produced. This will cause the baby to form male organs rather than female ones. All the basic differences betweenmen and women are laid down at this time, many of which do not fully develop until a further surge of hormones is produced at puberty.


Most important of all is the brain. All babies have a female brain and the amount of hormone required to turn the brain into a male one is critical. SHould this fail then the child's brain will naturally develop as female, even though the body may be male, and once developed nothing will alter it.


There are considerable differences between the male and female brain. For instance, when considering a problem a woman will tend to use both sides of her brain while a man will tend to use only one. So what to a man looks simple, a woman will see further complications and different solutions.


The German doctor, Gunter Dorner, discovered that there were a higher than normal number of homosexual men born to women who were in East Germany and pregnant at the end of the last war. It is known that tension in pregnant women reduces the amount of testosterone, the main male hormone, and the knowledge that the Russian army was advancing towards you would create considerable tension.





From these studies and other research Dr Gunter, with others, developed a theory about the development of a baby's brain while it is in the womb. He decided that the sexual characteristics of the brain develop in stages.


First, the sex centre. This controls the development of the physical sexual characteristics.


The second stage he called the mating centre. This controls the sexual behaviour of the person and is located in a part of the brain that we all have, but which is more highly developed in women and homosexuals.


The third stage he called the gender centre, which controls our general sexual behaviour.


A failure in the supply of the male hormone or an extra dose of the female hormone, oestrogen, at any one of these stages will cause the brain to develop in a feminine way for that particular stage.


Since the female does not rely on male hormones to develop, the chances of anything going wrong are far less. This accounts for the lower incidence of transvestism and transsexualism in women. Dorner's theory will explain how you can get feminine men who are rampant heterosexuals or masculine men who are passive homosexuals.


The true transvestite who finds dressing in female clothes a relaxing and satisfying experience would have normal development in the first two parts of the brain's sexual centres, the sex centre and the mating centre, but a hormonal imbalance during the development of the third part, the gender identity centre.


Two things must be made clear at this stage. One is that this is not the only theory. There are others, but most modern ones follow the same general theme. Secondly, we are not talking about fetish transvestism, which like all other fetishes has its roots in the early development of sexuality after birth.


Fetish transvestites can get immediate sexual satisfaction from wearing female clothes. They do not necessarily feel feminine although they may imagine they are women during the actual moment of sexual activity. This is no different to other fetishes such as rubber, shoes, silk, fur, or more commonly, the female breast.


What complicates the situation is that the person who is born as a transvestite, homosexual or transsexual can also be subjected to fetish influences during their sexual development. Particularly in the case of boys who may be dressed or treated as girls just because they exhibit feminine behaviour.



In the 1960s and 70s there was a lot of attention given to the effects of social anvironment on gender identity. It was, and still is, claimed by some practitioners that that girls are feminine in their behaviour because that is how they were brought up, and similarly for boys.


A famous case was reported in Time magazine in 1973. An American couple had twin boys. While circumcision was taking place one of the babies was castrated in error. It was decided that he should be brought up as a girl and given an artificial vagina and female hormones.




The treatment had a significant measure of success and although subsequent evidence is that the subject has some psychological problems, it does have something to tell us about the post-natal development of gender identification. Many feminists hailed this case as proof that women were forced into their roles by training rather than genetic influences.


This was before the Babilonia case came to light. This family from the Dominican Republic inherited a gene along with 23 related families from an ancestor some 130 years ago. The effect of this gene was to suppress the male genitalia and give the baby the appearance of a girl, including a vagina.


The eldest of the ten children to be born to the Babilonias was Prudencio. Being the eldest and clearly a girl she helped her mother with the housework and child rearing, did not mix with the village boys or indulge in any typical male behaviour.


At the age of twelve the clitoris developed into a penis, the testicles descended into what had been the lips of the vagina, and Prudencio changed into a male. Like his younger sister Matilda he is now a brawny, muscular man. He is sexually potent and lives with his wife in the United States.




Technically, what happened was that in the womb, while Prudencio's brain developed normally his body was unable to make the particular hormone that shapes the male genitalia and body shape. So in it's absence, although he was in all other respects male, his body developed as a female until puberty when the surge of testosterone completed the job.


The importance of the Bablionia family for the study of gender identity is that although Prudencio was totally subjected to a female upbringing his male brain was unaffected and he has adjusted to being a man without any problems. His father's evidence was that as soon as he reached puberty he found himself a girlfriend.



We have in England a similar significant case. Mrs Went is a housewife with adopted children. When she failed to menstruate or grow pubic hair she went for a medical examination. It was discovered that she was male and her abdoman contained testes rather than ovaries, but that she was totally insensitive to the male hormone testosterone. Not only did her body develop as a female, but also her brain.


There was also the case of Mr Blackwell, a Malawian. He is one of the hundred or so recorded hermaphrodites but with a male brain. He had both penis and vagina.


When at puberty he developed two large breasts he had them removed and his vagina surgically sewn up so that he could continue his life as a man.


Imbalances of hormones in pregnancy can occur in all sorts of ways, and very often they have no noticeable effect. In the 1950s and 60s injections of hormones were used to alleviate some of the problems of pregnant women. While the treatments were successful in that regard, other complications started to appear.




Some American doctors followed up these cases when the children were teenagers. Jim was typical of the group. His mother was treated with a female hormone while she was pregnant with him. He has no interest in sport and considers himself to be unpopular. His mother says the other boys called him a sissy. He had no heterosexual experiences but says he has had some homosexual ones.


His elder brother, Larry, was brought up in the same environment. He is interested in all sorts of sports and is very assertive. No hormone treatment was used while the mother was pregnant with Larry. The investigation indicated that the hormones had been given at a critical stage in Jim's prenatal development.


The inescable conclusion from this research is that while it may or may not be possible to control or cure the abnormality of a fetish condition, there can be no 'cure' for the true transvestite as his condition is totally normal for him.


Attempts have been made in the past, but not only were they doomed to failure, they could and did do considerable psychological damage.

How to Be More  Successful At Crossdressing 


For the majority of us crossdressers it is really important that we can transform ourselves into the most feminine and passable version of ourselves, we want to be the alluring and sexy women pictured inside our heads and we ideally want to turn that vision into reality. We want to wear that little black dress or a slim mini skirt whilst having the confidence that our femininity will remain intact, here lies a little problem. To pull off wearing tight or minimal clothing does require that the pesky male package in our crotch region, namely genitalia, stays firmly hidden, tucked away, and flattened within our underwear.


Hiding, Tucking & Flattening Your Male Genitalia


You have a few different options for concealing your manhood, some of which work better than the others but we should take a look below.


  1. Panty Girdle or Tight Panties – You can easily get hold of these items in most stores, many xdressers wear a slightly smaller size of panty girdle to create a tighter stomach area whilst using the rigidity of the panty to try and hold the male parts intact and flattened

  2. Tie-Sides – This type of panty is as the name suggests, you tie them around the sides of your waist, sufficiently tight, to hold everything in place.

  3. Realistic Vagina Panty– This is a specific crossdressing and transgender panty that features a super strong control panel at the front which flattens and tucks your male genitalia easily and comfortably for extended periods of time


There are a couple of tried and tested techniques that will help your male genitalia to fit better inside the vagina panty.


1) The pull up and conceal method – This very simple method requires you to pull up the vagina panty and at the same time take hold of your penis and genital area and push those down and underneath whilst firmly pulling the hiding vagina panty into place around the top of your thighs. If you have purchased a really strong fronted gaff then this method should suffice in flattening and concealing around your crotch area and you may not even have to resort to the ‘extra rearrangement method’ listed below.


2) The extra rearrangement method – To create the ultimate flat crotch area then it is essential that you have a super strong hiding gaff and you use the techniques that are listed below.


a) Everything upfront: You should be able to get hold of your balls in one hand, bring those to the front, whilst moving your penis underneath to create the flattest arrangement possible. You may be surprised to learn that you have an empty cavity above the balls that allow them to rise into and be hidden away from sight. Bear in mind that you should be very careful when trying to place the balls into the upper empty cavity, practice slowly and beginners may even want try this method whilst laying on their back.


b) Placing the penis behind: Now that you have your balls upfront and hopefully hidden from sight in that empty cavity you can proceed to place the penis. To flatten the penis you should ideally place your hand from behind through your legs and pull the penis backwards between your legs, you can do this from the front if you aren’t able to go through the legs from the back.


c) Vagina Panty adjustment: You can now complete the method by pulling up the gaff around your thighs as high around the thigh area as required, this should leave a flattened crotch area. You can place your hand down the front of the gaff and push the penis further around to fine tune things.


Transgender Tips:


When you need to use the bathroom you will need to rearrange your package again but by practising the methods listed above at least a few times you should be easily able to get everything nice and flat again in matter of a few seconds.


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