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Coming Out- Charlene's Story- A Short Story



  As every cross dresser is aware, the wearing of female clothing behind closed doors is very much an escapist existence. Once dressed as a woman a TV can enter into feminity in secluded bliss for as long as he/she as time. But "Coming Out" is a different matter entirely. It takes courage, conviction and painstaking detail for a TV to be thoroughly convinced that he could pass as a girl in the outside world. One mistake could lead to embarrassment, confusion and even hostility from an unaware stranger. A friend of mine, Charles, is one of the most convincing cross dressers I have ever seen. When dressed as Charlene, he transforms himself from a good looking black guy into a ravishing, slender woman, with dusky looks and a curvy figure. To look at Charlene's confident sashay, wearing the most revealing and figure hugging of dresses, one would never imagine for one moment the first "outing" by Charlene involved nerves and unbridled anxiety. Charlene tells her own story:- I'd been dressing up since I was nine, mostly in my sister's clothes and then later on my mum's, as I grew taller. By the time I was nineteen I was going out with a guy called Peter, whom I'd met through a contact magazine. I had a collection of underwear, nightdresses and a couple of dresses. I even had my own false boobs. But I had never gone outside as a girl. The girl's clothes were just part of my life with Peter - he used to get really excited to see me wearing lingerie, or a baby doll nightdress. One evening, I was sitting in his flat with him, just having a couple of drinks, and chatting. I was wearing a white lace bodyshaper, underneath a silky chemise wrap that I had bought that afternoon. The bodyshaper was with under wired cups, which pushed up my shapely false breasts. Feeling relaxed from the two glasses of wine I had drunk, and also from being in these clothes, I just giggled when Peter casually mentioned that "it was about time I went outside as a girl". I didn't really take in what he was saying until he got up, and announced that he was going to "phone for a taxi, and that we were going into town". I looked at him the sudden reality of what was going through his mind suddenly sank in. I said (stupidly): "I'll have to get changed first". He laughed, and leaned over to plant a kiss on my mouth. "Don't you think it's time that other people than myself saw how good you look dressed up?" he said. "All you have to do is put on a frock, and do your face over. You can be ready in half-an-hour?" I repeated shrilly, "Don't be stupid, Peter. Look dressing up in here with you is one thing, but outside? What of someone guesses? I could be locked up, beaten up or worse!" But underneath my babbling, I was secretly starting to look forward to the idea of being outside as a girl. Ten years of a secret double-life had just stifled a desire to show myself, and the girl I could be, to the outside world. So when Peter led me by the hand into the bedroom, I went along with the plan. I pretended reluctance, but this was just part of the teasing act I had begun. Secretly I couldn't wait to be on Peter's arm as his girlfriend, rather than his boyfriend. I picked out my best dress. It was a sleeveless white fit'n'flare number, quite short, showing off my dark skin perfectly. The bodyshaper I had on had a thong back, and Peter whistled as I walked up and down the bedroom, looking at myself in the mirror. "You tart!" he laughed. "I can see right through that dress, you know!" I phoned for a taxi. "Could I have a cab please?" I knew from years of practice that a high pitched voice would have sounded stupid, so I settled for a husky imitation of my mum's. I gave the address, and went back into the bedroom, where Peter was rubbing aftershave onto his neck.  

  When the taxi arrived, I was relieved to see through the window the driver was a man. I had always thought that a woman was more likely to rumble a TV than a man would do. Hand in hand, Peter and I walked down the stairs to the waiting car. The driver said little as he drove into town, and had given me no more than a quick glance as I got into the taxi. The dress I had on rode up well above my knees, and Peter rested his hand on my left thigh, occasionally squeezing reassuringly. I had his other hand in mine, and was so glad he was by my side for this nerve- wracking experience. I doubt that I could have seen the evening through alone. When we reached town, Peter steered me along the pavement to a "Straight" pub, one of the most popular in the area.


I had secretly hoped that he would have gone to one of the gay bars we usually drink in, as I would have felt much more comfortable there. The cool breeze of the early June night blew the thin fabric of my dress against me, and I was suddenly conscious of starting to get aroused. I was glad to get into the pub, away from the public gaze. Inside the pub, we struggled through the crowds of drinkers towards the bar. I kept my eyes glued to the back of Peter's head, not daring to meet anyone's gaze. When we ordered drinks, I gulped down half my glass of wine immediately. Peter encircled my waist with his arm, and told me not to worry. It was easy for him to say. My heart had by now started to thump under the falsies, and I flitted my gaze from side to side nervously. "I'll have to visit the gents," Peter said, moving away from me. "Oh God, don't leave me alone in here!" I gasped, fearing every possible scenario. "You'll be alright. Just don't talk to any strange men in the meantime!" "Pig!" I thought, and glared at his back as he walked away. I had started to feel calmer, though, and glanced around me in a more leisurely fashion than before. I began to drink for the sheer hell of it - outside, as Charlene! I was dressed as a sexy teenage girl, and was accompanied by a hunky young man! The evening, after Peter returned, went on without major incident. I think that, once I had spent a couple of hours outside as Charlene, the nerves had begun to disappear, and I realised that I fitted in more comfortably as Charlene than Charles. I go out as Charlene several times a week now, and have been away on holiday twice where I spent the entire week dressed as a girl. Even though Peter and I are no longer a couple, I look back with a lot of fondness on our relationship. It was Peter who convinced me to go "public" as Charlene, and that I could be sexy as well as convincing as a girl. Since then, I've hardly looked back! The End  

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  Hi, my name is Margaret and I'd like to tell you about my first 'real' cross-dressing experience. I had played the part of the daughter of Rosie O'Grady in a school play - it was an all boys school and since I was always one of the shortest boys, I'd get picked to play the girl. That first time I was 7 years old and I absolutely loved all the attention and the way I felt and looked. Of course I couldn't let on.   When I was about 12 years old, our next door neighbor asked my mother if I would be willing to help her alter some of her clothes, as she did a great deal of sewing and alterations etc. She had just provided me with a dress for another school play and knew that I was her size. My mother agreed that I would help, without even consulting me. This lady was always very good to us and mother felt that it was the least we could do. The next afternoon, after school, I went next door and Polly, our neighbor, thanked me for coming in to help her. I wasn't aware of exactly she wanted to do until I got there. She had a few dresses hanging on a hook on the back of the door, and told me that she needed to hem them and take them in a bit. She wanted me to put them on so that she could use me as a manniquin.


Initially she asked me to remove my shirt and pants, which I did. She put the dress on me and decided that she had to put a stuffed bra on me so that the dress fell properly. She and I were the exact same size. She began hemming the dress and I was absolutely loving the feeling I had wearing this dress.   The next day I suggested that she would get a better idea of how her dresses would look if I was wearing heels. She smiled. I think she knew that I was enjoying this little sojourn into pretending to be a girl. She said, "That's a very good idea. In fact, in order to fit the heels on properly you'll need stockings and garters". I had no objection to that! Finally she said, "Why don't I put a slip on you, then the dress will fall just right". She got me all dressed and proceeded to do her alterations. When she was done she was going to give me some hot cocoa and cookies. She said, "Go inside and change and I'll have the cocoa ready for you". Instead of changing, I posed in front of her full length mirror, loving the way I looked. I went out to the kitchen and she wondered why I hadn't changed. I told her that I liked the dress and the way it looked on me and didn't want to change yet. She was wonderful! From that day on, whenever I went to help her, she would get me all dressed in female attire and eventually put some make-up on me and even a wig.   She never told my parents and continued to have me come to her apartment regularly dress me up, even when she didn't have any alterations to do. In fact, she had altered a few outfits just for me! That was one of the greatest experiences I ever had with cross-dressing... Margaret

I would like to tell you about something that happened to me when I was a boy of 14 years old. Firstly I was a slim "pretty" boy of average height, small boned and with quite feminine features. For as long as I can remember I liked to play dress-up with dolls and put on girl's clothes. Since puberty, this had taken on a whole new excitement.


It was about this time that a very exciting event occurred. My parents and sisters were going to Queensland for a conference but I had to stay with my auntie to finish an exam at school. My Auntie and two cousins were minding a small farm near the quiet farming village of Jamboroo.


My auntie Joan was an attractive 35-year-old who was living in Sydney. My cousins Sue and Anne were quite attractive and 17 and 14 respectively. They were all very pretty and feminine in their manner and dress. The farm, being about three hours from Sydney, ten minutes from the village and one hour from the town, was fairly isolated and the weather was cooling off so not many people would be visiting.


Auntie was apparently subconsciously jealous of me being the only boy in our families and this I guess was the driving force in what was about to happen.


My family left early on Monday morning and auntie picked me up after school. Auntie had to make a quick trip to town to drop off some clothes she was having altered and we stayed around the house. On her return, she decided we should take some old paint cans to the shed. She tripped slightly and one of the cans she was carrying spilt all over me.


The paint was only on my clothes but they were ruined. I washed and went to the bedroom to find a very pretty green dress lay on the bed. There was also a lace camisole and matching panties.


I called to my auntie to ask where my clothes were and she said that my bag must have been left in my family's car by accident and that they had also left their bag with my cousin's jeans at home as well. "You will have to wear something for the next two weeks and that is all there is," said auntie. I put up some protests and went to my room.


While I knew I would enjoy wearing the pretty clothes, being a boy I knew I had to pretend that I would not like it. A few minutes later Sue (with whom I was quite close) came in and said that while she knew I would not like to wear the clothes it was the only thing to do, and she and Anne would not laugh at me or anything. Anne came in then and promised not to laugh or tell anyone. She said I should put the clothes on, as there was no one else around anyway. They both promised again not to tell anyone and then left me alone.


I could not believe what was happening, of course I would love to dress in the pretty clothes and they were not going to mind at all let alone laugh at me. I had a perfect excuse supplied to me as I saw it.


I put on the lace panties and camisole, and then I put on the green dress. There was also a pair of lace top white socks and a pair of black buckle up shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror and having missed the last couple of haircuts I looked pretty good. I was feeling very excited and was glad that the dress had a full skirt and petticoat, which would cover signs of my excitement.


The moment had come for me to leave the room. My aunt and cousins were busy in the kitchen getting dinner ready and did not take too much notice of me. My aunt told me that that was being much more sensible. Sue told me I looked fine and Anne agreed. Then they all went on with what they were doing.


My aunt asked me to set the table. We had dinner and made small talk about nothing in particular. After dinner my aunt asked me to come over so she could have a look at me. She told me that I looked very good. She trimmed my hair and combed it into a much more feminine style.


With my new hairstyle I looked very feminine and I could easily be the younger sister of Sue. On our way to bed aunt gave me a nightie to wear and some cream to rub on in the morning before I had my shower to tidy up any unwanted hair I had.


In the morning I put on the cream, washed and put on the clothes I was wearing the day before. Sue came to my room and helped me with my hair and put the slightest amount of natural colour makeup. Looking in the mirror I could see this very pretty girl looking back at me and I started to get very excited again.


From my previous experience putting on girl's clothes I had a good idea how to act and was adapting quickly. I heard Auntie Joan calling us to breakfast so off I went, more relaxed than the previous day and feeling very feminine.


My auntie told me that I looked very pretty and totally convincing as a girl. We decided that I should have a girl's name in case someone overheard us. Sue suggested Julie and I agreed that I liked that. We finished breakfast, then my auntie put out some more clothes for me so I would have a change. She suggested we go for a walk.


I was not sure if I was ready to go outside but everyone convinced me that I would be fine. I would certainly not stand out at a distance anyway with everyone dressed in the full-skirted dresses that were fashionable at the time. It was wonderful walking across the paddocks with the skirt of my dress brushing against me and the light breeze blowing our skirts around. A larger gust of wind blew all our skirts up revealing petticoats and panties. How exciting it was. We were all enjoying this lovely day and just being so feminine.


We had walked much further along the creek than we had thought. We were now on the next property. Much to my shock, we ran into someone else - a 15-year-old boy called Luke. He knew my cousins and Aunt and I was introduced to him as Julie. I was frightened he would know I was a boy but was still very excited that someone else could see me dressed up.


To my surprise and enjoyment, he accepted me as a girl and seemed quite interested in me. We all sat on the riverbank and talked. Luke had positioned himself on the bank below us where if we wished he could get a good view under our skirts. We all took pleasure in giving him what appeared to be accidental but were actually quite deliberate glimpses of our panties and up to our skirts. Luke was obviously getting very excited although he did not realize we had noticed.


We were enjoying teasing Luke but it was getting late, so we said our goodbyes and promised to meet tomorrow. We walked back up the bank and Luke watched us until we went into the trees. Sue made an excuse about forgetting something at the river so she asked me to return with her to get it.


We hid in the trees and could see that Luke was still at the edge of the river. He was looking around and obviously thought he was alone. He had pulled down his jeans and underwear and was certainly enjoying himself. He was very excited, and Sue and I were getting excited about watching him. Sue slid her hand under her skirt. I could not see much but she was enjoying herself and was not worrying about me watching her. Sue straightened herself up and said we had better go. I was feeling very randy.


We made it back to the house had dinner and went to bed. I took the opportunity of being alone in bed to relieve the pressure built up due to today's fun. The silky nightie on my body did the trick.


In the morning I showered and put on the padded lacy bra and panties, white petticoat and the pale ye1low dress. The dress was soft and the petticoat made the skirt full swish as I walked. Auntie Joan complemented me on how I looked. I was getting the idea that she was enjoying me being dressed and acting like a girl. I was enjoying it as I well - for the first time I was feeling so complete and full.


Sue, Anne and I sat outside under the trees and talked about clothes, and boys, and making out, and about seeing Luke pulling himself off.


While I still considered myself a boy, the way I was dressed and acting made this all feel so natural. Sue told us how she would sit in the front seat of the bus because she knew that the boys behind could see up under the skirt of her tunic in the mirror. She enjoyed the idea of all the boys getting hard looking at her. She also liked to bend over a bit more than she had to, teasing the boys.


Auntie and my cousins decided to go to town but despite the protests, I decided I was not ready yet to let other people see me. After they left I went for a walk and ran into Luke. At first, I was a bit unsure but after I realized he was convinced that I was a girl I decided to have some fun.


It was still a bit gusty so my skirt was blown up revealing my petticoat and panties. I could see that I had his attention so I forged on. I sat on the bank and knew he was able to see up my skirt. Then we went for a walk. He was holding my hand and helping me down over some rocks. Taking some advice from Sue I was able to make sure Luke could get lots of good views under my skirt, and it was obvious that it was all having the desired effect. Luke was getting turned on - and strangely enough so was I.


Over the next rock, I gently slid my body down against Luke. He held me for a moment and then I put my lips against his and kissed him. He was very shy and surprised but he enjoyed it. We sat back on the grass and kissed again. His shyness gave in to his passion and he awkwardly slid his hand under my skirt and around my bottom. He slid his hand into the back of my panties and I felt very aroused but I had to stop him before I was found out. I grabbed his hand and said that it was that time of the month. He nervously pulled away. So I reassured him I could still kiss and make him feel nice. Twenty minutes passed as we talked and cuddled. I had to get back so we repaired ourselves, kissed and parted.


On the way back up the hill, I ran into Sue in the bushes she had watched the whole thing. She held my hand and we kissed on our ruby lips. Laying on the ground our legs entwined and hands groping under our skirts. She then removed my panties and threw up my skirt and petticoats. How nice it was as I felt her touch me. It had all been too much. We smoothed our skirts and returned to the house for dinner with our secrets.


The next day we seemed to just continue as though nothing had happened. I dressed in a soft white cotton blouse a full navy blue skirt and white petticoat. I did my hair and makeup. I was getting well practised with my hair and makeup and was looking better. The makeup was very natural and not too much for a girl my age.


At breakfast, auntie announced that we would go to the village for some groceries. She added that she was sorry there were no clothing shops in what was only a village. I was glad of that but I did not let on. My auntie commented that I seem to be happy to wear girls clothes now and I said that they were not too bad. I tried not to seem too excited.


I was not sure about going to town but knew I would not be able to get out of it this time. We all headed for the town in the car dressed in our pretty dresses and skirts. I was filled with excitement and fear at some one else seeing me. My cousins told me that I would have no problems passing for a girl and not to worry.


In town, we walked from shop to shop. I was being introduced as Julie and no one seemed to question my being a girl. How exciting it was. In fact, most people thought I was the most attractive. What fun. Sue and I spent the morning flirting with the boys and when the opportunity presented itself bending over counters causing our skirts to be pulled up and giving the boys a good look at our panties. It is amazing what fun it was teasing the men and boys.


Back at the farm, we had lunch and then went for a walk. It was a beautiful sunny day walking through the paddocks. There was a gentle breeze blowing with a few gusts that would blow up our skirts and petticoats. The breeze was wonderful swirling under our skirts. I wondered if the others were enjoying everything as much as I was.


It was quite late when we returned from our walk so we had an early dinner and went to bed.


The next morning was a bit chilly, so after putting on my lacy bra panties and camisole I put on a top and a warm full red skirt. Then I put on a cream jumper that came to my waist. At breakfast that morning I saw the others had dressed much the same - I was happy to see I was getting the hang of being a girl because I really enjoyed it.


After breakfast, my auntie had to visit someone so she dropped us at the beach to play. It was far too cold to swim today but we had great fun playing around in the bush in the sand dunes. On the way, we grabbed at each other's boobs and flicked each other's skirts up much to the excitement of some teenage boys on the beach.


How very exciting it all was. We were playing around in the rocks on the beach and having a great time feeling so feminine. We walked along hugging each other and flicking up our skirts. It was a great day. After a couple of hours of playing around, we saw someone, it was Luke.


Luke came over and we talked for awhile and flirted with him flipping up our skirts accidentally and making sure he was getting turned on. Sue enjoyed flirting and I was enjoying it too. Poor Luke had to put up with our teasing for the next hour. Then again maybe he was enjoying it too. I was certainly enjoying being a girl.


What a holiday this turned out to be and we still had three weeks to go...

After two months of this, I had enough, but I didn’t have the guts to walk out or say anything to my colleagues.


Things came to a head when we had to do the financial forecasts for the departments, in at Six each day, typing figures until Nine in the evening. No conversation, No Breaks, just solid concentration. At least I wasn’t bored.


But, a few weeks later as the reports were signed off, a few errors were noticed, just two: A decimal point was missed off a figure and so the report was several pounds off, I was blamed and my life was made more hell.


With no work to do I would sit at my desk for hours, watching as every second ticked by. The pain of watching 1pm turn into 5pm was agony.


My hours got worse and after a few weeks I had to make up the time by staying late on my own.


Now, this wasn’t such a bad thing, as I had a fax machine next to my desk.


Why is this an advantage?


Well, in the company I worked for, fax machines are not barred from any outside lines, and I had access to all the 0891 and 0898 numbers.


Knowing myself very well, I knew the thought of dressing in feminine attire was a great turn on, and so I would call all the TV lines I could think of. I would draw the blind and let my cock out, and wank off like crazy.


But was the only advantage to the job, and after a while it got kinda dull.


But things were conspiring against me..


One day I was driven to a different part of the country to do some legal work. Basically it was photocopying lots of legal documents and stamping each corner with a number. Dull was not the word. To liven things up a bit, I started writing the numbers on in different coloured pens and in different ways. A backwards 27, an upside down 128, even a misspelt 1076.


This did not go down well, the court case was tomorrow and the papers were the only copies. I was driven back, told to empty my desk and was promptly escorted out the building.


To be honest I wasn’t that bothered, to have lots more free time was great. So, I wouldn’t have any money. But at least I could fall back on the dole for a bit.


A few weeks later, on what would have been payday, I walked into town and checked my Balance, 750 pounds!


It transpired that my old Boss had felt sorry for me and arranged for me to have two Months Pay because of Christmas. I sent her a thank you card, and decided to blow it.




I had wante02d to get a new Television for a long time, the one I had was getting on in years and didn’t have a good picture. My friend was able to modify my Megadrive so that I could play games full screen and a lot faster only problem was, I needed a Scart socket on the back for it to work.


So, Armed with lots of cash I wondered into town.


I found the television I was after and after some discussion, arranged to pick it up later that afternoon. I paid cash and was about to walk out when the assistant handed me two tokens.


“It’s a special offer” he said “Spend 100 pounds and get 20 pounds cash back”


My brain raced, what did I need that was worth 60 pounds… Nothing. Time to go mad!!


Wondering around, trying to spend this money, I found myself in the lingerie department.


I suffered a sort of obsessive/compulsion and knew that, amongst the soft sensual materials there was something I would like. With 60 quid I could get something and feel no guilt at purchasing it.


I made myself a promise. If I could do this, I could do anything. I had declared a personal challenge.


So, I browsed through the feminine finery with the intention of buying something for myself, my first item of lingerie.


After an age of choice, I found my heaven.


A Basque!


That wonderful item of corsetry, Nothing else would do. None of the silks or satins would fulfil me as much as that wonderful silk creation.


As I choose my Basque, I found the one of my fantasies, the one, which I had been dreaming of. Black and Red, with a short underskirt, four suspenders and a lovely pair of silky panties to match. I pulled the hangar out and promptly paid for it.


This was the moment of truth. Walking to the till with my purchases in my hand.


I played the embarrassed boyfriend.


The assistant, a kindly faced old lady didn’t bat an eyelid, she simply commented that it was “Very pretty” and put it in a bag, which promptly went into my rucksack.


With a smile I paid for it with and asked the assistant if I could return it


“Of course” She said, “Simply give her the receipt!”


Her… I liked that. If only she knew what I was up to!


As I walked to collect my television, my cock getting huge with anticipation, I suddenly remembered that I had forgotten the most important thing… Stockings!


How could I have been so silly to forget such an important item?


With my newfound bravery I did what I had thought impossible earlier. I walked into the lingerie shop on the main street and asked the assistant for some “Black Seamed Stockings” after and agonising browse through the finery, she finally pulled out a pair.


They were lovely. It took all my will power not to stare at them.


“Thank you” I said bravely as I paid for them


“Do you know if they are for evening wear?” asked the assistant.


I made something up and fled. I think the assistant knew exactly what I was doing. To be honest I didn’t really care. I was now so confident I think I could have changed into it on the street!


I then walked into Sainsburys and bought myself some snacks for the afternoon. I had got a video from the local shop earlier and I always liked to stuff myself silly.


Walking to the till, I “Happened” to wander through their lingerie department. Thinking that the stockings I had would be for “Special” occasions I got myself a pack of cheap everyday ones. The assistant gave me a strange look as I paid for them but I ignored it.


I got a taxi back home, and lugged the television into my room. Yes it worked; I had a buyer for my old Television, so I had more mad money.


After disposing of the packaging and making sure that my parents were definitely out and not likely to back for some considerable time. I unpacked my new underwear and admired it. I carefully found a place to stow the silky creations and drew myself a hot bath.


Obviously I wanted to get the feel of the new clothes as intense as possible, so I snuck into my parents room and borrowed my Mothers Ladyshave.


10 minutes later my chest, arms and legs were silky smooth. I rubbed moisturising cream into them to get them even smoother and softer.


“But what about my cock?” I thought.


It was painful and slow progress, but eventually I had a smooth pubic area, and a lovely soft cock and balls. The cream felt wonderful as it coldly went on my skin, causing me the first of many erections.


At that point I decided that my cock looked so feminine that it shouldn’t be called such a nasty male name. This was my attempt to feminise myself and so I decided to name it my ‘Clittie’ and when it got stiff, it was being naughty.


I got in the bath, and loved the feel of the water on my new soft skin. I rubbed my legs, wondering what the stockings would feel like against them. With this thought, my ‘Clittie’ got so stiff. I wanted to wank myself off; again I didn’t want such a crude male name for relieving myself, so I re-named it. ‘Rubbing myself to climax’. I decided to leave it till much later.


I thought of how to rub myself off. In one video I had seen, a woman masturbated by rubbing herself through her panties, I decided my first time in panties would be erotic and so I decided that I would do the same. The panties WOULD NOT come off until I came in them.


I got out of the bath and carefully dried myself off. More cream on my legs, chest and of course my Clittie and I was soft and smooth again.


I walked, naked into my room, and prepared the items on my bed.


Savouring the moment, I put on a relaxing CD and considered that this would be my first experience of lingerie. Something I had been waiting for, for a long, long time.


With a big smile I UN-hooked the Basque at the back and pulled it around me.


The first touch on my soft skin was electric. It seemed to stimulate every nerve ending, as the soft material caressed every square inch of my skin. I put my shoulders through the thin straps and placed two water filled balloons into the cups of the Basque to give me breasts, although they were slightly Cold, I should have used the Warm tap, they would soon warm up.


The new weight on my chest, confided securely by the Basque felt very sexy indeed, and I am ashamed to admit that my Clittie got very stiff indeed. I allowed myself this indiscretion as I knew the little thing was very excited.


So Was I.


At that moment, I wanted to pull my clit out and wank it really hard until I came, not once, or twice, but hundreds of times. I squashed the thought and waited until she was soft again.


The next item was the lovely panties. I carefully examined them before they went on. The front was of a lacy, slightly see-through finish and the back was composed completely of black satin.


They felt so soft and sensual in my hands, I had to put them on right at that moment.


I stepped into them, and noticed with disgust that my Clittie had gotten really stiff again. This time, I wasn’t going to stand for it, and so I put her tightly between my legs, and pulled the panties quickly up.


I pulled them up over my hips, and smoothed them into position.


That moment will stay with me for the rest of my life. At that moment I wanted to be a woman full time, they can experience such lovely fabric next to their beautiful skin every day.


I don’t think I actually did very much for the next 5 minutes, except stand in amazement. I didn’t care that I probably looked horrible in the lingerie, I didn’t care that it was “wrong” all I knew that these panties had transported me to a world of soft pleasure.


I broke myself from my trance and unpacked the stockings. Not the everyday ones, this was a special occasion and so I chose the seamed ones.


I pulled the first slowly up my smooth leg, loving the caress of the material against my skin. I pulled my suspenders through the side of my panties and clipped the tops.


I repeated the exercise on the other side. I loved the extra weight I had when I bent over.


“So this was what it must be like to be a woman!” I thought.


That afternoon I spent hours lying on my bed, with my eyes closed just rubbing myself through the panties. Every stroke was a descent further into luxury. Several times I was close to climaxing but I held back for as long as I could.


The clocks span round until it showed 4:45. My parents would be home very soon and I had to finish off quickly.


I rubbed myself with more vigour, not quickly, but determinedly I wanted to come… NEEDED to come.


Then, it happened.


My Clittie, so turned on by the whole situation, sprang into life and sprayed a bucket load of cum into my panties. It filled them to capacity. But I didn’t care. My orgasm was intense. I lay back for several moments, overcome with the intensity of it all. My Basque, stockings and panties were all in need of a good wash.


I carefully stripped all my lingerie off and hid it in the little nook I had discovered.


My male clothes felt so silly on my lovely skin. But I had to wear them.


As my parents came in they asked me


“Did you have a nice day?”


“Not bad!” I replied.


Silicone Breast Plates All Less Than Half Price 




A Free Beautiful Long Haired Sandy Wig Worth £180 when you buy of our Silicone Breast Plates This Week 


NEW Upper Body Half Torso


Our new upper body half torso silicone breasts with nipples are the perfect authentic breasts for those looking to create a natural, sexy feminine look to complete their male-to-female transition.

Crossdresser Silicone Breasts D Cups - Upper Bodt Half Torso.

Just arrived. A brand new addition to our amazing silicone breasts range, for crossdressers, trannies, trans girls and drag.

Transform yourself instantly into a sexy centrefold model. Simply pull  on, gently over your upperbody.

All handmade, super soft silky silicone that will stretch to fit upto UK sizes 42 inch chest. Roll neck and with its very own cute belly button.

One size only, D cups fuller bosoms' and authentic nipples Colours as shown. Perfect for those with hairy chests. Limited stocks.

RRP  £699. Now only £249



New Huge H Cup Breasts


New Huge H Cup Breasts

If you are a Big Breast lover then we are sure you will truly love and cherish wearing these HUGE breasts.

Simple to fit and pull on these awesome Silicone H cup breasts .

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Made in our exclusive silk soft skin feel silicone, giving you amazing bounce and jiggle.

Complete with realistic pert nipples.

RRP £899 Now Only £299


Upper Body Silicone Breasts


Our upper body silicone breasts slip over your head easily to create an instant, sexy feminine look. The perfect finishing touch to your MTF transformation.

Crossdresser Silicone Breasts D Cups- Upper Body. Introductory offer £100 OFF. Just arrived. A brand new addition to our amazing silicone breasts range, for crossdressers, trannies, trans girls and drag. Transform yourself instantly into a sexy centrefold model. Simply pull on, gently over your upperbody. All handmade, super soft silky silicone that will stretch to fit upto UK sizes 42 inch chest. One size only, D cups fuller bosoms' and authentic nipples Colours as shown. Perfect for those with hairy chests. Limited stocks

RRP £699 You Pay £249



High Neck Upper Body Silicone Breasts


High Neck Upper Body Silicone Breasts

Crossdresser Silicone Breasts D Cups – High Neck Upper Body Silicone Breasts.

Just arrived. A brand new addition to our amazing silicone breasts range, for crossdressers, trannies, trans girls and drag.

Transform yourself instantly into a sexy centrefold model. Simply pull on, gently over your upperbody.

All handmade, super soft silky silicone that will stretch to fit upto UK sizes 42 inch chest. High Roll neck

One size only, D cups fuller bosoms' and authentic nipples

Colours as shown.

Perfect for with hairy chests.

Limited stocks.

RRP £669 You Pay £249



He To She Full Body Transformer


He to She Full Body Transformer

Our Ultimate Transforming Silicone Complete He to She Full Body Transformer is handmade and has to be seen to be believed.

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This full female silicone body suit, is realistic and authentic. Giving you amazing, life like flesh, feeling silky smooth Skin, perfect full jiggly Breasts and nipples, shapely fuller Bottom and essential realistic Vagina with soft outer lips with stimulating clitoris and Anus.

With a secret silicone sheath to insert your penis into plus extra sheath to allow for sex play. Allowing you to pee as a woman and enjoy penetrable sex.

Forget about your age, your male shape and male body hair. When you put on our He to She Full Body Transformer, you will look in wonderment at the gorgeously proportioned woman of your dreams staring back at you. Days of skilled work goes into producing each one individually and painstakingly by hand.

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Limited stocks.

RRP £1499 Now Only £499

Last Ones Available 








New Sexy French Maids Outfits 


New sexy French Maids Outfits arrived just the week. Feel sexy and cheeky. Ideal for wearing with stockings and High Heels and of course one of our fabulous female wigs.



New Oh La La- Traditional Naughty French Maids Outfit


New Oh La La- Traditional Naughty French Maids Outfit

Full set includes All Lace Trimmed Mini Dress with short puffy sleeves, white apron and all lace head band.

One size wil fit upto XL sizes.

Don’t forget to complete your Naughty French Maid Look, With a pair of our sexy black stockingshigh heels and wig 

RRP £69.99 You Pay £49.99



New Sexy Mini Maids Outfit


Full set as shown , 6 items Includes: Oh so short naughty maids Mini Skirt , white frilly halter neck bra, white apron, matching G-string, frilly garter and matching frilly maids choker.

One size, fits upto large.

Don’t forget to complete your Naughty French Maid Look, With a pair of our sexy black stockingshigh heels and wig 

RRP £59.99 You Pay £39.99


Wear with a gorgeous pair of high heels


Michelle High Heel Stiletto Shoes


A timeless ever-popular style

Patent leather with 4 inch/10cm stiletto heels. Available in black or red and now in gorgeous pink. Handmade, using quality durable, materials, designed to feminise the male foot and specially sized to fit comfortably. Sizes UK 6-12, European 40-46, USA 8-15

RRp £89.99 You Pay Just £79.99


and one of our gorgeous female wigs 



Savannah Long Wavy Style Full Female Wig


A beautiful long and glamorous wig from our deluxe collection. A captivating and stunning longer style full female wig, with layered straight hair that just flicks up lightly at the ends.

Available in dark brown/chocolate mix or blonde spectrum mix with our unique locked in stying. Fully adjustable for a secure fit. 

 3 FREE- Red Glossy Lipstick, Dangly Clip-On Earrings and False Eyelashes, worth £39, FREE with all wigs £59.99 or more


RRP £139.99 you pay just £89.99


and sexy black stockings 


Black Seamed Stockings


Luxury seamed stockings. Full length stiletto seams for that coveted retro sexy feminine look.

Seamed luxury stockings are available in black and tan. One Size fits all.

Just £13.99