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Nov 2015
Protecting Alice (part 1)
short story
I am a 14 year old called Alan and I live with my mum and dad, my sister does not live at home as she had a disagreement with my parents a few years ago, so she moved out and now lives at a boarding school. I have kept in touch with my sister Helen, but I have not let my parents know this, so as not to start any arguments with them.
I came home from school early on Friday as a reward for doing well in my course work, so I got home before my parents did but this was not a problem as I had my own key to the house. I had the house all to my self, I rushed up to my room and turned my computer on to check for any emails that I might have received.
I had just started to read them when I heard a car pull up in the drive way, it was my mum and dad, so I just settled back down to read my emails. I heard the front door open and close and after a little while I heard shouting coming from downstairs.
I quickly turned my computer off and quietly creeped along the landing, to see what all the shouting was all about and that was when I saw my dad start to hit my mum. My mum replied that she was leaving him and that as soon as Alan was home she was going to take him away from him forever. My father the grabbed my mother's neck.
I was terrified by this as I did not know what to do, so I watched as I watched my mothers body get looser and looser and then just hang there limp, when my father released my mum she did not move and then he looked around to see if anyone had saw him. I then thought he might be coming upstairs so I ran into my parent's room to hide as there was no places in my room that I could hide from him.
When I got into my parent's room I quickly looked around for somewhere to hide and saw the big wardrobe up against one of the walls, so I ran and opened it and climbed in, hiding behind some of my mother's long dresses that where in there. As I closed the door I heard steps coming up the stairs and into my room, them after a while I heard the steps go into each of the rooms ending up in the room I was hiding in.
Whether he had heard some noise earlier or not I did not know, but I was terrified at being found so I was being very still and quiet when the wardrobe door was opened. I dared not breath for fear of giving my self away. After what seemed like hours, but was in fact only a few minutes, the doors where shut and I heard footsteps walking away.
I then heard the front door open and shut. I creeped out of the wardrobe and up to the window in and saw my father getting into his car and drive of towards my school, so after what I had just seen and heard my father do and say, it was fair to say terrified out of my skin.
I suddenly knew what I had to do, and that was to go into hiding from my dad! So I ran into my room and grabbed a bag, and stuffed some of my clothes into it and ran down stairs and out of the back door and away from the house.
After I had got to the other side of town I saw a cheap hotel and booked myself in under a different name for a night, I then called my sister Helen and when she answered and said that I sounded scared, I told her about all that I had seen and heard.
She asked where I was so I told her, she then told me to turn my mobile of and to wait the for her to arrive, after 3 hours Helen arrived with a big bag, and said that the police had called her to ask if she had seen or spoke to me today, because I had gone missing from school.
She them reassured my that she believed my story, but my father will soon start showing pictures of me around the area to find where I had gone, and that she had a plan to hide me but that I would have to do exactly what she said to do, I replied that I would do anything to stay hidden from him as he is going to kill me.
I asked her what her plan was and she then said that as everyone was looking for me Alan as a 14 year old boy, I was to become a girl and her cousin I thought about the plan for a few minutes and then agreed to her plan.
Helen then asked me to strip all of my clothes of and to stand upright in the middle of the room, witch I did and then Helen looked my body all over and said to go into the bathroom and run the bath, and that she will be there in a minuet, she came in with some female bath lotion that she pored into the bath, and instructed me to get in to the bath.
After washing myself all over my skin felt different, but I could not place my finger on what it was, and then my sister leaned into the bath and but some female shaving gel on my legs, chest and arms and started to shave the hair off my body.
When she had done she asked me to lift my arms and then shaved under my arms as well, when it was all done she told me to rinse all of the bubbles and gel off and to come back into the bedroom after I had dried my self.
I when into the bedroom to see that Helen had opened her bag on the bed and took out some of her clothes, and after looking over her selection she selected a flowery pair of pink panties that had a lace frill around the edge that she then gave to me, I pulled them on up my shaved leg and was amassed at how smoothly they slid up my smooth legs.
Next she passed me a matching bra and explained how it was put on by females, and after a little struggle I managed to get the latches at the back to catch shut, she then passed me some of her old tights with some small weights in the toe ends.
I looked at her with a confused expression and said "where do I put these?" and the reply was that they where to go into the cups of the bra, and that the weights would make the bras act like they where designed for, so I put the weighted tights into the bra cups and after a little bit of moving them around, the bra felt heavier and seemed to handle better.
I asked her what her plan was and she then said that as everyone was looking for me Alan as a 14 year old boy, I was to become a girl and her cousin I thought about the plan for a few minutes and then agreed to her plan.
Helen then asked me to strip all of my clothes of and to stand upright in the middle of the room, witch I did and then Helen looked my body all over and said to go into the bathroom and run the bath, and that she will be there in a minuet, she came in with some female bath lotion that she pored into the bath, and instructed me to get in to the bath.
After washing myself all over my skin felt different, but I could not place my finger on what it was, and then my sister leaned into the bath and but some female shaving gel on my legs, chest and arms and started to shave the hair off my body.
When she had done she asked me to lift my arms and then shaved under my arms as well, when it was all done she told me to rinse all of the bubbles and gel off and to come back into the bedroom after I had dried my self.
I when into the bedroom to see that Helen had opened her bag on the bed and took out some of her clothes, and after looking over her selection she selected a flowery pair of pink panties that had a lace frill around the edge that she then gave to me, I pulled them on up my shaved leg and was amassed at how smoothly they slid up my smooth legs.
Next she passed me a matching bra and explained how it was put on by females, and after a little struggle I managed to get the latches at the back to catch shut, she then passed me some of her old tights with some small weights in the toe ends.
I looked at her with a confused expression and said "where do I put these?" and the reply was that they where to go into the cups of the bra, and that the weights would make the bras act like they where designed for, so I put the weighted tights into the bra cups and after a little bit of moving them around, the bra felt heavier and seemed to handle better.
After this was done she asked my to turn around so that she could work on my hair, into a more female style which she did by putting my shoulder length into a pony tail, tied of at the end with a girls pink hair ribbon.
She said to open my eyes and to look at my new self and I was gob smacked so I got up and started to walk towards the mirror in the room when Helen said that there was one thing missing and that was shoes, she then got a pair of 3" cream court shoes out of her bag and slipped them onto my feet.
I then tried walking towards to mirror and found that with the 3" heels and the petticoat I could not move my legs as much as I could before and that i had to walk slower. After I had mastered the walking like a girl, Helen said that she could not call me Alan and that she would call me Alice from know on, and that it was time to go or our father would find us.
So we quickly gathered all of her clothes that she did not use into her big bag, and piled my own clothes into my own bag and then put in her big bag, and quickly left the hotel and headed towards the train station.
As we started walking along the road I was terrified in two ways, one was that our father would come along the street and recognise me despite the disguise, and the second was that other people would recognise that I was a boy dressed as a girl.
Helen sensing my nerves reassured me that I was not attracting any glances, and to just act like I had always been a girl and not to think about it, so I took her advise and then realised that the wind was blowing the dress that I was wearing, and that the wind was flowing around my legs.
I had to admit that the feeling of the wind blowing around my smooth legs, was a brand new experience but one that I was starting to enjoy.
I asked Helen in a softer voice then was normally mine, that got softer and softer and I talked to her where she was going to hide me as I had know idea where to go, she said not to worry about it as she had the perfect place lined up and she just had to get me there without being seen by anyone on the look out for you.
It turned out that Helen was taking me to her boarding school, and when I realised this, I said "but I can't stay here with you as I am not a girl and this is a girl's boarding school!" she replied, "what better place to hide a 14 year old boy than in a girls boarding school, and besides you don't look anything like a boy at the moment!"
At which point I looked down at myself and realised that for most of the journey here, I had not thought about being a boy and had just acted like a girl, because that was what I was dressed as. I then raised my next objection - how was I going to blend into a girl's boarding school when none there had seen me there before?
Helen gave a little chuckle and said that she was in her own room with space for one other girl, and as she was very close to the head mistress of the boarding school, all she had to do was to sneak me into her room without anyone seeing us along the way.
She would then go and talk to the head mistress about Alice, and explained all of what had happened and why she had taken the steps that she had, she was sure that the head mistress would help with the problem of keeping me hidden from our father.
So using as much stealth as possible we sneaked into the school grounds, and up into Helen's room luckily no one saw us as we made our way to Helen's room, Helen then told me to take of all of her clothes apart from the panties and bra, and started the hunt in a draw.
After I had taken off all of her clothes apart from the panties and bra, she passed me a cotton nightdress, and told me to climb into the bottom bunk bed, and to make sure that the nightdress stayed smoothed out above and below my legs whilst in the bed.
Helen then said that she was going to see the head mistress about Alice and that she would be locking the door behind her and if anyone knocked on the door, whilst she was gone, to just act like you are not here.
With that Helen opened and closed the door to her room and then locked it. Then the realisation caught up with me. That my mother was now dead and that my father was looking for me in order to kill me, so I quietly wept.
To be continued
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