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Nov 2015
short story
She leaps for the ball. As she leaps, the hem of her pleated skirt swings dramatically upwards. A fleeting glimpse of her knickers - almost too quick to catch. Then her feet are back on the grass, her hem line falls to her upper thighs. Sitting, watching her on television, I await the next knicker flash...
I am writing this during Wimbledon. It's the women I like to watch - and the knicker flash is a considerable part of the enjoyment. There was a time when shorts were in vogue for women tennis players - as far as I was concerned (and I'm sure the same goes for a lot of other people) the shorts cut short much of the pleasure. I'm delighted to see that recent Wimbledons have been skirted events!
Mixed with the pleasure, though, is a wistfulness, almost sadness. The fact is I'd like to be out there on the tennis court flashing my knickers (not Wimbledon of course - I couldn't aspire to that!).
Seven sports which I associate with women come to mind - of course, women participate in many more sports, but this is a trannie article. I am not concerned with the likes of fencing, where women wear clothes indistinguishable from the men. The seven sports I have in mind all have distinctively feminine sportswear. Lets take them in turn.
Swimming first - an activity for which women certainly wear some beguiling costumes. Unfortunately, for me at least, swimwear is more an object of desire than one of attainment. I have owned examples of both the bikini and the one piece swimsuit, and I've tried them on. Alas I have encountered what I might call top and tail problems...
I wear quite good quality prosthetic breasts, but they are a lot less convincing if their edges can be seen. I have yet to try on a swimsuit which covers the top of the breasts properly.
So much for the top of the swimsuit. The bottom is little, if any, better. Achieving a sufficiently good tuck-away to carry the thing off is a challenge to which I have yet to find an adequate solution. If you've worn a cache sex under a lycra skirt - achieving a convincingly feminine appearance - and wish to push it to its limits, then try a swimsuit.
Keeping things in check once in the water is a prospect I would prefer not to contemplate. One may be able to swim in Dermablend make up - but I am not sure what a trannie is supposed to wear whilst doing so!
Gymnastics can be breath-takingly beautiful. The gymnastic leotard, however, is not much more forgiving than the swimsuit. It would be lovely, but who do I think I'm kidding? Girl gymnasts tend to be over the hill by the time they reach fourteen. Me? Well, it's no secret that I'm a lot older than that.
Athletics involves much sexier costumes than they used to do. They look tempting, definitely tempting. Unfortunately, the knicker-like shorts of modern women's athletics carry all of the problems encountered at the lower end of the swimsuit. The problems at the top, however, may be a little easier to solve. I have a lycra sports top, suitable for athletics, which is a joy to wear. It amply covers the tell-tale edges of my breasts, while retaining a pleasing skimpiness (skimpiness is the essence of sportswear!).
More - it is the only top I own which keeps the breasts really secure in place without requiring a bra. There may be hope for athletics as a trannie sport.
Hockey, to be honest, is not really my cup of tea. It seems to me a rough game, something expressed by Sir Owen Seaman in his poem, The Yellow Shin Pads:
Your hands had tied them on for me Fair lord and righteous referee Above my crushers, daintily
Am I cross dressing to wear crushers? I think not. All the same, I grew up in the 1950s thinking of hockey as an exclusively female sport (none of the boys' schools in the borough played it) and there was an element of attraction in the game.
Part of the attraction almost certainly lay in hockey players wearing what seemed very short skirts. These were pre-mini skirt days! Actually, to judge from my oldest sister's example - the only hockey enthusiast in the family - they were actually 'culottes'.
I have always liked skirts, and in my early years something which seemed to be a skirt - but wasn't - exercised a powerful fascination. It seemed to form some kind of link between the kind of clothes I was allowed to wear and those my sisters wore.
My present, rather negative, feelings about hockey may stem from my time at university. As I've said, I grew up thinking of hockey as an exclusively female sport. I was intrigued, therefore, to discover that there was a university men's hockey team. I pictured a group of men charging about the playing field in culottes (if not skirts), so I made discreet enquiries. The enquiries had to be very discreet, because my cross dressing was still firmly in the closet.
What I discovered was about as disappointing as it could have been. The men's hockey team was the most horrible, ugly and macho sports team on campus. Their sportswear was, at least to my eye, indistinguishable from that of the rugby team. Since making this discovery, I don't think that I have had any positive feelings on hockey.
Netball is, perhaps, the quintessential women's sport, and is a great deal less rough than hockey. Hurrah for that! It is not a contact sport. After specifically stating that a player may not push, bump, trip, knock, charge or hold another, Rule 17 adds the catch-all: "A player shall not contact another on any other occasion or in any other way in such a manner as to interfere with the opponent's play".
Netball is a good game, emphasising skill and outlawing any hint of brutality. It is also certainly played in skirts and, with seven to a team, provides more opportunity for knicker-flash than does tennis! It seems to me almost criminal that netball is so ignored by television - I would certainly watch it.
The game obviously appeals to at least some trannies, apart from me. I have read more than one transvestite story which revolves around gaining access to a netball team (and scoring the winning goal of course). Having read a fair number of transvestite stories over the years, most of them have faded to a blur in my memory, but Sandra stands out quite clearly. Perhaps that reveals me as the sort of netball fan who is bound to have a netball skirt or two in the wardrobe. Well yes, I do!
My favourite Transformation novelette, She Male Slavery demonstrates not only a liking for sportswear, but some knowledge of netball. As in this passage:
"Our games kit consisted of T-shirt, short pleated skirt, very frilly white knickers, white ankle socks and training shoes. We occasionally played rounders or volleyball, but netball was the usual game. Brought up, as I had been, on masculine contact sports, I found it hard to adapt to netball, with its rules against touching, obstructing or intimidating other players.
In the heat of play, it was hard to remember to observe the rules limiting the areas of the court that each player might enter."
In spite of the title and downright misleading cover picture, this novelette has a rather lovely Cinderella-like plot, as well as some sportswear interest. I recommend it.
Both hockey and netball, as team sports, involve wearing the same strip as one's team-mates. I don't have the rules of hockey, but netball rule 1.4 describes this as a uniform. The word uniform raises a whole swamp of trannie desires. This isn't Objects of Desire: Uniforms but I like uniforms as much as the next transvestite, and the uniform aspect adds an extra element of pleasure to the joy of sportswear.
Ice Skating
Skating is my absolute favourite when it comes to watching sport on television. Beautiful and graceful are amongst the words which come to mind, the kind of words I would most like to apply to my feminine self. The words apply to the skaters themselves, to their movements on the ice and, not least, to their dresses. The movements and the lovely fabrics seem to raise knicker-flash to the status of an art form.
Taking such a dress out on to the ice is certainly one of my fantasies, but I doubt whether it will ever be more than just a fantasy. To begin with, I do not believe that my sense of balance is good enough for the ice. Nor have I been encouraged to try the experiment since my partner of a few years ago broke every bone in her ankle in a horrible skating accident!
I would certainly like one of the dresses to wear on solid ground, but do not believe that ones like those seen on television are available off the peg. Perhaps I need to improve my dress making skills to bring this fantasy a little closer to realisation. Like the swimwear, although for different reasons, the skating outfit remains an object of desire but not of attainment - for the present at least.
Tennis is where we came in, and I do have the outfit for it. I'm sure that I've written enough about the desire to flash my knickers on court, but off-court activities may be even more interesting. Tennis lesbianism has become enough of a cliche to be used by the advertising industry - eg the strawberry passed between one female and another in the Coca Cola tennis-based advert.
I don't know about other trannies, but more often than not my sexual fantasies are without male figures. In my fantasies, I usually see both myself and any sexual partner(s) as women. The union of sweaty bodies in short skirts off-court is the sort of idea that appeals to me most. It is, of course, the kind of thing in which I could never really be involved, but it's a tremendously potent fantasy.
Fastening my tennis skirt about my waist seems to bring the fantasy a tad closer to reality. The way clothes feel and look is certainly part of the tennis experience.
There are, clearly, some very potent fantasies to be triggered by sportswear. That would be enough to place it as an object of desire, but there is more. It is also comfortable. I suspect that, at least occasionally, most of us can sympathise with Cassie of Spain who wrote in TV Scene 25: "Bras, suspender belts, and especially corsets, have no appeal to me at all and never have had. I dress to be comfortable, not to feel restricted."
With sportswear the phrase "not to feel restricted" is of the essence. Playing any kind of sport calls for freedom of movement. Uncomfortable or restrictive clothing ruins athletic performance. To quote rule 1.4 of netball: "A team's uniform can be fun, even fashionable, but needs to retain the essentials of ease of movement."
This quotation is especially revealing about women's sportswear. Can you imagine a male game with rules allowing that a team's uniform can be fun, even fashionable? I think not. No wonder we turn to women's clothing, not least the sportswear, for fun!
Returning to Cassie from sunny Spain, she says of bras: "Well, to be honest I did try one once and found it so uncomfortable that I never bothered again."
Crumbs! I'll bet it wasn't a sports bra.
Some bras are a great deal more comfortable than others. It helps a lot if the bra is the right size. If it fits properly, a sports bra is surely the most comfortable of all. It is designed to hold breasts reasonably securely, and is thus quite well adapted to securing prosthetic breasts. Skimpier types of bra, especially, are apt to give rise to fall-out problems.
Another property of sportswear is that although the women's and men's garments are sometimes so different (men don't flash their knickers on the tennis court!), they are sometimes intriguingly similar. I have mentioned the way in which hockey culottes reminded my youthful self of boy's clothes. I think that such different-in-some-ways, similar-in-others clothing has always been very potent for me. It marks some kind of exploration of sexual difference. The realm of sportswear is especially rich in clothes of this sort.
I own two pairs of women's white shorts suitable for tennis. I wouldn't wear either of them in public because neither of them is designed for someone of my shape. It is, essentially, the bottom problem I noted in respect of swimsuits.
However, I enjoy trying each pair of shorts on from time to time: so similar to men's shorts in some ways, but in other ways quite different. The two pairs are also quite different from each other. One is made from a stretchy fabric, the other much less so.
They feel very different when I wear them, each intriguing and enjoyable in it's own way.
There are some items of women's sportswear which it would be easy for a man to carry off. Jogging bottoms are an easy example for those of us (and there are many) who would like to step out in an item of women's clothing, but do not dare - this could be a solution. An example of how unobjectionable a man in a woman's jogging bottoms may seem comes instantly to mind:
On a boating expedition, an ill calculated step from boat to bank ripped my only pair of dry jeans beyond repair. As the person on board nearest my size (14, to be precise) a friend's wife had no hesitation in loaning me a pair of her jogging bottoms. It was the only time I ever wore one of her garments, and it hardly counted as transvestism.
Another form of sportswear gender crossover is that some garments can serve for either sex. The games kit I quoted from She Male Slavery includes a T-shirt, a garment equally at home in a male or female sports bag, but the same T-shirt teamed with a tennis skirt instantly takes on femininity...
I am not especially interested in unisex clothing. The pleasure in gender-crossing garments, such as T-shirts, owes everything to being set in the context of gender-specific garments. Transvestism relies on the delight of difference. It is, for example, delightful to find fastenings which are never employed in mens wear. That is surely part of the attraction of stockings and suspenders.
This being so, it is good to find that many - most? - sports skirts have a kind of fastening which I have yet to see in a male garment. As I write, I have a royal blue netball skirt before me, the better to describe this fastening. If we think of a zip fastener as a conventional railway, this fastening is more like a monorail. A metal tag runs along a nylon strip with serrated edges. The tag has a lever which, when depressed, locks it to the nylon strip. Lift the lever and it slides freely. With this device, the waist band can be adjusted exactly to any size within a range of a couple of inches.
The sliding fastener holds the waist band firmly but comfortably in place, retaining the essentials of ease of movement. Not only my body moves easily, but also my hem line. As I leap, it flips up to provide the essential knicker-flash. It can be fashionable, and is certainly fun.
So girls, play up, play up, and play the game. If the game is transvestism, so much the better! It's a jolly good game; I can't think of one I'd rather play - isn't it your favourite sport?
Hurrah for the team! Well played girls! Well flashed those knickers!
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