Why You Can Trust Us Here At Transformation
1. Established in 1984 –nearly 40 years experience
2. We ship to every part of the world by either Royal Mail or UPS in secure plain packaging
3. Over 80% of products are exclusive to us; we have our own factory, warehouse and medical clinic
4. We are the only company licensed to sell feminising hormones that conform to E.U and U.S.A standards
5. Money back guarantee
6. You can use credit cards to pay and keep it confidential as your statement will just show "Sercus Ltd"
7. We understand – Stephanie Anne Lloyd, herself a transsexual, founded the company & still runs it
8. You can ring and talk to and experienced member of customer support staff 8am – 5pm G.M.T
9. We reward loyalty, regular customers receive money vouchers and free products
10. There are many who have tried to copy us but we have the same drive and passion as the day we started because we treat our customers as friends Nearly 40 years of TRUST